Street Tree Infill Program 2019

As part of Brimbank City Council’s adopted Urban Forestry Strategy 2016-2046, Council is committed to increasing current tree canopy cover across the municipality from 6.2% to 30%, over the next 30 years. Council has been actively planting trees in parks and streets for a number of years with around 200,000 trees planted since 2008.

In 2019 the Council will plant approximately 10,000 trees in parks and streets. Trees will be planted in nature strips, in selected areas where gaps have been identified, which will commence in April 2019.

If you have a question, a planting request or would like to provide your feedback about this function or have questions about the tree species being planted on your street, please contact Brimbank City Council on 03 9249 4000 or email [email protected].

To view the schedule of trees being planted in your area in 2019, visit: